Pooch in the Pool is back! Bring your dog for a swim at Memorial Pool on Sunday 30 March.
Tauranga Pools

Achieve Total Wellbeing with Massage

With personal wellbeing and mental wellness such a crucial part of day-to-day life, massage should no longer be seen as a ‘personal treat’ but as a critical component to achieving overall wellbeing.

Physically, massage not only relieves tension and stress, but it also addresses those underlying aches, pains and imbalances that so often result in lack of motivation, fatigue, and immobility. Not to mention how it can benefit physical performance when training for a sporting event or post-event recovery. The physical act of massage produces impressive mental health and wellbeing benefits too.

“The physical responses induced by massage causes the body to reduce the secretion of stress hormones e.g., cortisol, histamines, adrenaline etc., and increase the secretion of anabolic and calming hormones e.g., endorphins, serotonin, dopamine. It also increases red blood cell production, fat oxidation, improve digestion and much more.” confirms massage therapist David Hadcroft. Along with re-balancing your hormones, the effect of increased circulation and better lymphatic flow can promote better sleep, aid digestion, and improve your metabolism. Just the simple act of taking a break from your busy day can boost your mood and refresh your mind.

If this sounds like something you need, then read further…

Bay Venues offers traditional, remedial and specialty massages from two handy locations: on-site at the Mount Hot Pools and Baywave Aquatic Centre.

Massage at the Mount Hot Pools provides a unique experience where you can soak in the only hot ocean water pools in the world before or after your massage – bliss!

Baywave Massage Therapy is in a very handy, central location with lots of parking. There is also a steam room, sauna, spa, and gym onsite for a wide range of wellness options to complement and enhance the massage experience.

The 12 qualified therapists working across both locations are arguably the most comprehensive, experienced teams in the area. They have learnt varying techniques from across Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile and New Zealand. Their qualifications range from a Diploma in Therapeutic Massage and Sport, Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports Science, through to Reiki Mastery and an Advanced Diploma in Ayurveda-Indian Medicine.

So, whether you need massage for sports conditioning, rehab, and recovery, or for relaxation, stress-relief, and mind/soul cleansing there is a massage therapist and massage type to suit you. Massage manager Matthew Strange says “we are so lucky to have such an experienced, professional team with a vast array of skills. There is a high-quality therapist to meet any of the varying techniques preferred by our customers”.

Ease of booking is another bonus with a simple online booking system that earns you rewards points! Massages range from $50 for half an hour, through to $160 for specialty massages which include keeping the beauty products used in your massage. To review the full range and book, visit either mounthotpools.co.nz or baywave.co.nz.

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